La femme est l'avenir de l'europe

"Il est de la règle que vouloir la mort de l'exception"

Car il y a la regle et il y a l'exception. Il y a la culture, qui est de la regle, il y a l'exception, qui est de l'art.

"Quand il faudra fermer le livre,
ce sera sans regretter rien.
J'ai vu tant de gens si mal vivre,
et tant de gens, mourir si bien."








Digitales Video, bestehend aus nur einem Bild, allerdings unter konstanter Veränderung der Parameter des digitalen Schnitts. Aus dem abstrakten Beginn erhebt sich unmerklich ein konkretes Bild. Reflexion über Zeit, Material in Kunst und Wissenschaft und tiefenpsychologische Probleme des weiblichen Archetyps. Auf der Tonspur der Text eines Zeitungsartikels über ein neurowissenschaftliches Experiment zur Klärung der Gehirnsubstanz zwecks Untersuchung neuronaler „Landkarten“, gelesen von einem Sprachsynthesizer.

 "Cinema is not the reflection of reality, but the reality of that reflection." JLG

Masculin problems with the female archetype, dominion and fascism, lead to a pixel-archeology of the image in the digital era. On the soundtrack a speech synthesizer is reading an article about brain researchers trying to make a mouse brain translucent for microscopic examination. The brain tissue and the vanishing "materiality" of the images are metaferences. The brain appears to be nothing than an image itself, in a vast torrent transgressing our representational conventions.

 "The  research comes to the question of the unconscious, there things become necessarily blurred, because the unconscious is something which is really unconscious." 
Carl Gustav Jung

pas une image juste, juste une image (JLG)

"Le cinéma est une invention sans avenir." Lumière

tous garcons s'appellent patrick
The films of Fritz Lang: allegories of vision and modernity. British Film Institute. 2000. p. 7. ISBN 9780851707426. "Lang, however, immediately cautions Prokosh, 'Jerry, don't forget, the gods have not created men, man has created the gods.' This is more than a simple statement of Feuerbach-like humanism or atheism." 
In a letter from 1905, Bartók wrote, "It is odd that the Bible says, 'God created man,' whereas it is the other way round: man has created God." "Whenever I hear the word culture I bring out my checkbook"
the west is the best,

the west ist the best...

...get here, and we'll do the rest

Mae West
"I have always considered movies evil; the day that cinema was invented was a black day for mankind. Centuries before photographs there were talismans, which actually anticipated photographs...Photography is a blatant attempt to steal the soul." Kenneth Anger

Rosa Luxemburg, Simone de Beauvoir & Emma Goldman lunting (1930ies)
La femme est l'avenir de l'HOMME, l'homme est l'opium de la femme


Black Leader

Sections of 8mm film (showing the mythical tomb of Homer on Ios, Greece) are transported by bleached and treated black leader material. This projection is recorded and further treated in the digital video editing. The act of pictural or imaginative representation in both analogue and digital media is violated by transgressive, almost „mythical“ forces emerging from a confrontation with materiality and mortality. 

Structural vs. representational film

"In representational films sometimes the image affirms its own presence as image, graphic entity, but most often it serves as vehicle to a photo-recorded event. Traditional and established avant garde film teaches film to be an image, a representing. But film is a real thing and as a real thing it is not imitation. It does not reflect on life, it embodies the life of the mind. It is not a vehicle for ideas or portrayals of emotion outside of its own existence as emoted idea. Film is a variable intensity of light, an internal balance of time, a movement within a given space." Ernie Gehr, 1971

L'incorporation de la vue

John Cage: „Self alteration, not self expression“ and „initially we need to change.”

Two reels of handpainted 8 and 16 mm film are projected on a white rotating torso. The conventionally fixed rectangular screen is moving and becoming sculptural, while the classical projections on the female body, whether they are literal, psychological, artistical, are dissolved into a lurching spacetime-dance of colors, and so are the illusions of personal existence in its corporal mode.


The film-interview with CG Jung "Jung On Film" can also be seen as Jung explaining "on" the subject film because his theories give insight into how the experience of the cinematic process can be conceived like in the Todeskino concept of death in motion - THANATOKINESIS:

"When you observe the world you see tangible objects, but when you observe yourself within you see moving images. Everything was phantasy to begin with, and phantasy has a proper reality, it is a form of energy. And so the psychic events are facts, realities, and when you observe the stream of images within, you observe an aspect of the world. Of the world within, because the psyche, if you understand it as a phenomenon that takes place in so called living bodies, then it is a quality of matter. As our body consists of matter, we discover that this matter has another aspect, namely a psychical aspect. And so it is simply the world form within, seen from within, it is just as if you were seeing into another aspect of matter." Jung

 "Nobody can say where man ENDS." Jung